Google Ads

Google Ads Campaign: An Ultimate Guide 

People in the business industry often think that nothing should be changed or improved when their existing ventures are working and making profits regularly. Instead, they look away and rake their brains in other ventures that might also work for them. 

True enough, if a business is doing well, one may think its strategy is effective and needs no modification. While it is true that the strategy is working, isn’t it better to continue working for improvements to drive the profit even higher? Instead of opening another venture that might work, why not use your energy to do things that can boost your existing venture’s profit? 

If that sentiment made you nod in agreement, probably, the next you did was ask yourself how. Is it possible or safe to modify an already working business strategy? Yes, it is. One way to accomplish this is by making and establishing your own Google Ads Campaign. 


What is Google Ads?

Google Ads is a Google-developed digital advertising tool in which marketers make an offer to display brief ad campaigns, product or service offerings, or videos to internet consumers.  Google Ads can place ads in search engine results, such as Google Search, non-search online sites, smartphone apps, and video content.


What is Google Ads Campaign?

A collection of ads, keywords, and bids that share a fund, geographic targeting, and other settings. Campaigns are commonly used to orchestrate product or service classifications. One or more ad campaigns can be active in your Google Ads account.


How To Create Google Ads Campaign?

Now that you know the basics of Google Ads and how they can help drive your business’ profit further, it is time to learn how to start with it. 


First: Know Your Target Audience

In every business, the key is knowing who your target audience is. That said, knowing who you want to sell your products to may not be enough. You need to know their habits, as well as where they spend most of their time, so that you know where to advertise your business. 

Knowing where your target audience spends most of their time helps you reach them faster and also helps you save money and energy. 

Since we are talking about Google Ads, you need to make sure that your target audience is looking you up online. If they are not, it is a no-brainer that Google Ads may not be for you. But, since almost everyone is using the internet, it is most likely that they are searching for you online. 


Second: Keyword Research

To do this step, you may use various keyword research tools. The keyword tool functions similarly to a thesaurus. You enter phrases you believe your target audience is looking for, and it returns other similar relevant phrases. Keyword research tools may also inform you of how frequently these phrases are searched, how competitive the keywords are, and how much it costs to advertise on each keyword.

The keyword planner of Google is a tool you may use. It gives you bid estimates and cumulative searches so you can strategize in advance.


Third: Prepare Marketing Budget

The cumulative costs of each keyword are mentioned above, so now, you need to prepare your marketing budget and see if you can afford to advertise the keywords you have picked out. 

Before you finalize your keyword list, ensure that the terms are relevant. This controls you from pursuing unprofitable keywords. 


Fourth: Be Unique 

First and foremost, know the strengths of your venture. Keep in mind your unique aspects or the thing or things that make you stand out among your competitors. With this, it is important to know your target audience: what they like and what they don’t. 

Going back to Google ads, making unique content can be beneficial. You can significantly improve your sales conversions and sales. You not only yield more traffic as a result of more ad clicks, but you also generate more of your traffic into legitimate clients. They increase traffic from potential leads and stimulate ad clicks. They also deter undesirable leads and prevent clicks on your ads, allowing you to avoid additional costs from people who are unlikely to do business with you.

To achieve unique ads, you may also offer tempting promotions. Offering a money-back guarantee can also persuade people to choose you over a competitor. Furthermore, it can encourage you to provide the best service possible, so you do not have to repay your customers.


Fifth: Make Tempting Ads 

The fifth step is almost the same as the fourth. In the fifth step, you need to actualize the strategies you formulated in the fourth. 

Make an advertisement that is too tempting to ignore. Remember that your ads directly impact how much you pay per click for each keyword. Excellent Google Ads save you money, while bad ones cost you more.

In your ad, including the prices of your products or services. The value of your product or service must outweigh the cost. This does not imply that your offer must be inexpensive. 

Your ad should be credible. Your target audience may be suspicious if you make an offer through the ad that appears to be too good to be true. As a result, you must provide a credible reason for your offer.

There are four fundamental segments of Google Ads text ads:


1. Headline

Because it is the first thing your potential target audience will read, the headline is the most critical feature. Include your keyword in the headline of your ads because Google will bold the text, making it stand out among the other ads.

Google Ads limits your headline to 30 characters, so make every letter count and use acronyms whenever applicable.

It is also effective to ask questions in your headline. “Want to experience the best massage ever?” The keyword is found in the headline. Using a question on the headline will make the target audience nod. As a great marketer, you probably know it only takes one nod to set off a chain reaction that leads to the sale.


2. Description Line 1 and Description Line 2

Google’s description fields are limited to 90 characters. Make clear the advantages of your service, state your unique selling point, provide social validation, and describe your offer in your two description lines. Include your call to action, of course. Keep it straightforward and use an effective call to action. Make it easier for your prospect to call or find you if you want them to. Provide your contact information, so they don’t have to look for it and potentially lose interest along the way.


3. Display URL

Display your URL along with the call to action and anything that will make your ad campaign stand out among the thousands of ads out there. 


Sixth: Focus On The Landing Page 

Say you made a compelling ad with a very tempting offer that your target audience decided to click it. The and will lead them on your business’ website. 

To avoid confusion and make your ad seem like a scam, establish a landing page that is relevant to the keyword and the ad they clicked. The objective is to keep the entire selling process consistent so that your leads are constantly convinced that they are on the correct route.

Your headline is the most crucial component of your landing page because it is the first thing your lead reads. Your headline should catch their attention, repeat the offer made in the ad, and entice them to read the rest of the page. Otherwise, they will be confused and not want to do business with you. 


Seventh: Track Your Success

It is always crucial to always track which keywords and advertisements are profitable and which are not. This way, you can optimize your Google Ads and focus on what is working for you. 

In your Google Ads account, the Google Ads conversion tracking code can be found by clicking on the tool icon and then selecting “Measurements > Conversions.” 


Eight: Set Up 

After doing the steps above, it is now finally time to set up your campaign.

Log in to your Google Ads account after preparing your compelling ads. Next, click the blue plus symbol and then click the New Campaign button. In adding new campaigns, make sure to adhere to the instructions for adding your ads and keywords.


Final Thoughts 

You can rest after you have set your bidding, enabled your campaign, and Google has approved your ads. Unfortunately, you cannot yet unwind. Most campaigns do not work at first; hence, they must be continually optimized to remain profitable.

All in all, investing your time in Google Ads is more sound than investing in new and unfamiliar ventures. If you want to drive your profit higher, focus on modifying your strategies for your already existing business, and that is utilizing a Google Ads campaign.