A Comparison Between Backlinks And Referring Domains

A Comparison Between Backlinks And Referring Domains 

Onlive visibility plays a vital role in businesses, especially today. With the advent of technology, almost everyone uses the internet for almost everything they need in life. Suppose you are in the food business; it is important to be visible online. Without a doubt, we all know that people look for restaurants or food recommendations online whenever they are hungry and do not know where or what to eat. We are all guilty of asking our gadgets what to eat when we cannot identify our own cravings. That said, if you have a strong online presence, you can definitely be found by people. Hence, you can boost your sales, reach customers and target audiences, and enhance your overall service. A strong online presence can be enhanced through search engine optimization or SEO. Building backlinks and referring domains can significantly impact your SEO efforts. In this article, we will differentiate the terms, and we will discuss how they impact your SEO efforts. If you are a newly-established business owner or marketer or an established one who wants to enter the online world, this article is perfect for you. 


Differences Between Referring Domains and Backlinks 

The distinction between a backlink and a referring domain is subtle, and recognizing it requires a solid understanding of SEO and the internet in general. That said, it is no wonder that numerous individuals mix up referring domains and backlinks, trusting they’re the same thing. 


What are Backlinks?

Backlinks are links from a website to a page on another site. When you hear inbound links, incoming links, or one-way links, do not be confused because they are the same as backlinks. Backlinks are regarded as “votes of confidence” for a specific page by major search engines. Pages with a high number of backlinks usually rank higher in organic search engine result pages. Significantly, you have a backlink from someone or some website that links to your site through their content.  In return, when you link to another website through your content, you are providing them with a backlink.

A backlink can take several forms. Links are usually embedded in the text, and the words that contain the link are referred to as anchor text. They can, however, be engrained in pictures, icons, visuals, and a variety of other ways. There is no limitation on the total number of backlinks you can receive. Further, multiple backlinks from the same site are possible. A single backlink is created when one webpage links to another webpage. You have ten backlinks if that website links to ten pages on your website. Backlinks are viewed as votes of confidence by search engines. In a broad sense, the more votes your website receives, the more likely it is to rank higher in relevant search queries by various users. 

Search engines like Google discover new content by returning to previously visited pages to look for new links. And since search engines revisit prominent pages more frequently than unpopular pages, backlinks from prominent pages may assist them in finding your content faster. Backlinks exist to direct visitors to useful resources. They’re clickable because of this. Referral traffic is generated when someone clicks the link to your website.


What are Referring Domains?

A referring domain is a web page that contains a link to your site. Referring domains refer to the connection between websites, whereas backlinks describe the relationship between pages. To be more specific, if a website links to your page from one of its pages, that link is referred to as a backlink, and the website will become a referring domain. A referring domain, also known as a linking domain, is a webpage that links to another webpage whose inbound links you are examining. Every referring domain can carry one or more links to a site. Referring domains are internet sites to which the intended website or web page has one or more inbound links.

For instance, if a web page has a backlink from Site A, it has one referring domain. If it has a link from Site A and Site B, it has two referring domains. If it has two backlinks from Site A, it still has one referring domain.


Impacts of Backlinks and Referring Domains to SEO 

Your goal should not be to obtain as many backlinks as possible but rather to obtain as many referring domains as possible. That is because increasing the amount of referring domains will have a greater impact on your SEO than increasing the number of backlinks. Essentially, having one site link to you a thousand times isn’t nearly as effective as having a thousand different sites link to you once.

Backlinks and referring domains are both critical to the SEO efforts of your website. Backlinks are essentially a vote of confidence in your website., as mentioned before.  The more backlinks or votes your website receives from reputable sources, the higher Google will rank it on the search engine result page. Backlinks, however, are not all created equal. Some are more authoritative and have more influence than others.  A backlink’s authority is determined by a number of factors. 

The significance of the web page that provides the link is one. The anchor text of the link is another. Since search engines use this text to ascertain what a website will be about, including concise anchor text in the link helps. Referring domains act as votes of confidence, like backlinks. Furthermore, it can influence the authority of each backlink. Referring domains are more valuable if they are relevant to your website and are regarded as authoritative by search engines. Some referring domains are preferable to others, just like backlinks. 


Tips for Building Backlinks and Referring Domains 


  • Make Excellent Content

Other websites will naturally link to yours if it provides considerable value to their readers, assists them in articulating a complicated subject, or offers a valuable piece of data to back up their claims. Therefore, producing excellent content is one of the effective methods to gradually increase the number of high-quality backlinks and referring domains.


  • Guest Blog Posting 

You do not need to sit tight for websites to link to yours organically to increase backlinks and referring domains. Guest posting on other internet sites is an excellent way to boost your backlinks and referring domains. Finding high-quality sites that accept guest posts is the first step in writing them.


  • Manual Outreach 

Manual outreach, as the name implies, is the process of manually approaching websites or blogs via email and asking if the blog or website is willing to publish a post with a hyperlink to your website.